


The contents of this website as an ebook (pdf).

Christians and Divorce: Divorce is an immense personal tragedy and has an impact on many people. Here you can read my personal journey through divorce and offering Biblical and practical advice.

Divorce is a subject which arouses intense emotions and debate. It is difficult to objectively to talk about and examine the subject of divorce because it carries such a great weight of sorrow, loss, pain, anger, remorse and perhaps guilt. We know this for many of us know of a family member or a friend who has been divorced. You may have experienced divorce yourself, as I have. Maybe you are deeply unhappy in your marriage and contemplating divorce as the only way out. Perhaps you are separated but not formally divorced or in fact divorced and remarried. I hope that what I have learned will be of help to those in such situations.

Further Reading, Audio and Video:

Murray, Andrew  Like Christ

Nee, Watchman  The Normal Christian Life

Pawson, David  The Normal Christian Birth

Once Saved Always Saved?

The Normal Christian Birth (video and audio) David Pawson

David Pawson is a highly recommended UK teacher and author with uncompromising faithfulness to the Bible. David brings clarity and a message of urgency for Christians to uncover the hidden treasures of God’s Word. His online teaching library is freely available from the David Pawson website.

Pink, A.W.  Profiting From the Word

Sam Allberry: Sam Allberry is a pastor, regular conference speaker, editor for the Gospel Coalition, and visiting professor at Cedarville University. He is the author of a number of books, including Is God Anti-Gay?; Why Bother with Church?; and 7 Myths about Singleness.

Ryle, J.C.  Holiness

Bailey, Alan The Role of a Christian Man

Man and Woman According To Scripture: